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NTN company vision and values

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Making the World Run Smoothly

The NTN Group endorses the United Nations Global Compact, thus declaring its commitment to respect and endorse the 10 universally recognized principles of human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption. NTN strives to bring these principles to life through concrete initiatives and to promote them among its partners. Our NTN Spirit Tree philosophy shapes our commitment to a sustainable future and infuses everything we do. Through our partnerships with local organizations, we continue to build vibrant communities where we live and work, and our “can do” attitude inspires top performance from everyone by encouraging collaboration and commitment and by embracing challenge.


NTN supports and endorses the 17 goals and 169 targets of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that came into effect in January 2016. This collection of 17 interlinked global goals are designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all".

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The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact

Human Rights

• Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and
• Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses.


• Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;
• Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;
• Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and
• Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.


• Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;
• Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and
• Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.


• Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery

Make the World NAMERAKA

The NTN Spirit Tree and our Corporate Philosophy

We aim to contribute to a "NAMERAKA" world with the NTN Spirit Tree as our guiding philosophy. "NAMERAKA" means "smooth" in Japanese. Keeping in line with our Spirit Tree philosophy, we conduct our business with high respect and regard for the environment and the communities we serve.

Our corporate philosophy — "We shall contribute to international society by creating new technologies and developing new products" — influences everything we do: research and development of our products; relationships with our customers and our colleagues; and resources for our community and environmental initiatives.

NTN’s brand statement “Make the World NAMERAKA” reinforces NTN's commitment to realizing a sustainable society, where people can easily lead a secure and fulfilling life in harmony with nature.

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Our Values

Through challenge, collaboration and commitment and a focus on success, we have created a vibrant company culture where ideas can blossom, people can thrive and success can flourish.

› Challenge

  • We are passionate about our business and our brands.
  • We enrich our lives by challenging passionately, acting with initiative and continuing to grow.
  • We promote and implement creative and innovative ideas and solutions.

› Collaboration

  • We show respect for and value all individuals for their diverse backgrounds, experiences, styles, approaches and ideas.
  • We listen to others for understanding and demonstrate a commitment to integrity and ethics.
  • We take care of the natural environment and maintain coexistence with the local community.

› Commitment

  • We strive to delight and serve our customers through the high quality of our products and services.
  • We improve the lives of people around the world through our work.
  • Our varied competencies and business lines are the founding richness of our company.

Value Creation Risks and Opportunities

To respond to changes in the external environment and social issues, the NTN Group periodically and comprehensively checks on the status of risks surrounding Group business.

We have selected a set of nine Global Risks for priority management that are common to all the regions we do business in, and are expected to have major business impacts if actualized.

While we identify changes in the external environment or social issues as risks, we also recognize their potential as business opportunities as we engage in business activities designed to grow the NTN Group and help resolve these issues.

Our business activities are also designed to achieve the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), helping create a world of sustainability, diversity and inclusion in which no one is left behind.

• Risks and Opportunities

1. Leakage of confidential information
2. Computer virus / cyberterrorism
3. Violation of Anti-Monopoly Act
4. Natural disaster
5. Fire disaster / explosion
6. Issue of human rights
7. Industrial accident
8. Complaint about product quality
9. Violation of bribery-related laws
1. Environmental impact reduction needs

  • Demands for energy-saving products for various machinery types
  • The rise of the renewable energy industry
2. Rapidly proceeding electrification

  • Major automotive industry innovations through developments such as CASE*
  • Use of the IoT and AI
3. The shrinking production workforce

  • Promoting diversity in the workplace
  • Demands for manufacturing productivity improvements
4. Raising human rights awareness

  • Needs for conflict-free raw material procurement
  • Expanding local production

* CASE:An acronym for 'connected', 'autonomous', 'shared' and 'electric'-four words representing developments that are currently on the verge of creating major changes in the automotive industry.

• Strategies for Risks and Opportunities

1. Establishment of the confidential information management rule which contains the definition of confidential information (including personal information etc.) and regular confirmation of education, enlightenment and training
2. In addition to information security management, establishing systems for rapid contact when problems arise and checking of IT equipment and security software (ensuring the latest versions are installed) on a Groupwide basis
3. Establishment and proper operation of Anti-Monopoly law compliance rules based on HQ’s rules and local regulations
4. Clarification of the initial response procedures for disasters (such as safety check and evacuation procedures) and periodic evacuation training and check of emergency reserves
5. Evacuation training, sharing measures for disaster case studies, autonomous checking of firefighting and related equipment, periodic firefighting training
6. Establishment and proper operation of the rule to verify the age of new staff based on the local regulations and to prohibit from forced labor and any form of harassment
7. Establishment and proper operation of the rule concerned with industrial accidents including emergency action plans, reporting to the responsible person and regular training, patrol and safety self-checks based on the safety and health standards
8. Establishment and management of quality assurance systems based on the international standards (ISO9001 and IATF16949)
9. Establishment and proper operation of anti-bribery law compliance rules based on the local regulations and consulting with HQ’s rules


1. Contribute to saving of energy through sales of bearings that are eco-friendly products to support rotating parts of machinery and reduce energy issues. Help the renewable energy industry produce renewable energy by selling bearings used in wind turbines and natural energy products such as NTN Green Power Station and NTN Micro Hydro Turbines.
2. Help create major automotive industry innovations through new automotive products such as sHUB, eHUB and Electric Motor Actuators. Aim to fuel business growth by harnessing these products as new earnings sources. Generate new added value and aim to grow earnings by combining AI and the IoT with the industrial machinery sensing technologies NTN has acquired over many years.
3. Improve employee work-life balance and create pleasant work places to remain competitive in the face of a shrinking production workforce by providing in-house daycare centers and more than the legally mandated lineup of employee leave programs accommodating needs such as childcare and long-term care. Improve work productivity through a robotics business area that sells Wrist Joint Modules (i-WRIST). These sales will help replace manual processes with robots and create manufacturing sites where humans and robots work alongside each other.
4. To ensure the use of conflict-free materials, we periodically survey our suppliers on their awareness of conflict mineral issues. Under the provisions of our NTN CSR Procurement Guidelines, we ask our suppliers to not engage in activities linked to human rights infringements and work to ensure respect for human rights throughout the entire supply chain. We also help create jobs by promoting local production and hiring local workers.